Project Management Certification is all the rage at present, but IT projects still fail at a very spectacular frequency. To improve your chances of success you need to perform the project based on some trusted methodology and some technical guidance.
Unfortunately we change the technology and the game daily, so the chances of finding a workable methodology for your particular project is rather slim. We have added a large number of new methodologies to our body of knowledge, but unfortunately, very few people commit to these methodologies, as new ones are just around the next bend. It just means that we are striving to overcome the problems of IT Project Management.
The reality is that Project Management was one of the earliest disciplines to be automated when the computer came along. However, that was before we had a proliferation of IT technology and projects. The PM tools were created before we did the learning of IT projects.
IT projects just don’t fit so snugly into a traditional engineering approach, where things are known, and it is a matter of estimation and sequencing.
For most IT projects, you need technical leadership as the number one ingredient for success. You will invent the methodology as you go along, and you will know how to do the same project by the end of the project. The sad part is that you will probably never again do a similar project.
So your PM planning needs to be driven by some really good technical insight, together with a very good understanding of Project Management activities.
So if you think PRINCE and PMBOK and PMI etc. are the silver bullets, you are chasing after the wrong solutions.
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QA for service provider projects
Corporate and Government entities regularly engage service providers to provide them with ICT solutions, typically in a contract for delivery and support over a multiyear duration. The typical proposal and award process can span a long time with many interaction, culminating in a contract to be executed.
The buyer needs to ensure that the contract is delivered and expectations are meet, whilst the vendor need to ensure they satisfy the contractual obligation and achieve their target profitability by not overrunning in costs or by acquiring extensions to the project.
These projects are typically very large and require strong management and controls to ensure success. It requires a maturity in terms of vendor management, following proper procurement regulations, but also a maturity and capability inside the project to ensure all interaction points are properly managed. This is where Quality Assurance can play a major role.